Monday, December 7, 2009

Obama has bigger Challenges than immigration citzenship!

Big challenge for Obama: retain Hispanic support

According to one of Kvue’s political news articles, Obama’s current challenge is maintaining Hispanic support for the upcoming Democratic Party election in 2010 and then for his re-election in 2012. Obama plans to reconstruct the nation’s immigration system by pushing immigration legislature and making it possible for 12 million immigrants living in the U.S. now to obtain citizenship.

This is nice thought for those immigrants but what is President Obama going to do for his people that are citizens already. Can the economy really afford to grant citizenship to 12 million illegal immigrants? The job market is already limited, adding more people will not help this issue; this will only make it worse. According to a research done by The Use of SSI and Other Welfare Programs by Immigrants, 29% of non-citizens immigrants use welfare, where will the government find the money to support the million more immigrants they want to add because this number will only increase after those millions are granted citizenship.

The problem with President Obama is his promises made during his campaign were not good for the economy that was already in trouble; instead his promises were made to benefit the minorities who live on welfare. Majority of minorities who support Obama believe they have earned a life of freedom because of the suffering their ancestor endured. However what these minorities fail to see is their ancestors were hard workers regardless of what they went through. The minorities supporting Obama would rather take a free ride instead of educating themselves and helping the economy by getting off welfare.

President Obama has bigger challenges that take priority over making immigrants citizens. He needs to focus more on the job market and work on decreasing the need for welfare by making welfare less enticing. Once President Obama has the economy in control then he can reevaluate the immigration issue, maybe then it will benefit the economy to take on more people but as for now the economy needs deal with its people of natural citizenship right now.

1 comment:

Liberal it is said...

After reading a classmate's blog about the promises Obama has made to allow some 12 million illegal immigrants to become citizens, I am struck by a couple of things. First is that the author seems to think that most illegal immigrants are on welfare and do not have jobs. I bet that this is a false assumption. Most illegal immigrants are working longer hours, for less money then anyone else in this country. This cheaper labor benefits the most affluent people and businesses the most, but also affects everyday people as well. According to NPR 5 percent of the labor pool in the US is already made up by illegal workers. Second is that it is not the fault of the workers that employers hire them and then do not provide the same services that they would to a documented worker. The businesses do this on purpose, they save money by not having to pay a living wage, or provide health insurance. They are getting the benefits of the labor without the additional costs. It is those businesses that should be held accountable for the extra medicaid money that is spent caring of illegal immigrants and their children. If Obama did allow these working, contributing members of our society to finally become fully accepted and acknowledged we would as a whole be much better off.
Posted by Liberal it is at 9:59 AM