Friday, December 11, 2009

Who really needs to be schooled cyclist or drivers?

In the commentary for Bikes and Cars coexisting, Matthew believes the younger generation should be taught in school how to drive cars next to bikes. Well I agree the younger generation needs to improve their driving habits; however I do not believe it is with cyclist. It is hard to expect drivers to respect cyclists when the cyclist themselves do not even respect a 4 wheeled motor vehicle, a fast moving vehicle that can do serious damage to them as well as their bike. I believe it is the cyclist need to learn how to ride around cars, they are constantly swerving in and out of lanes or causing a major traffic jam. Making drivers having to stop suddenly or drive 10 miles per hour in 25 to 30 mph zone to ensure they will not hit the cyclist since the consequences for the drivers are extreme.
Therefore I believe it is the cyclist who needs to be schooled on riding their bikes around cars. As for the younger generation and their driving they need to focus on the road and the other cars around them and not their texting.

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